Can the Cellphone Help End Global Poverty?

先日のニューヨークタイムズマガジンに「Can the Cellphone Help End Global Poverty?」(by Sara Corbett)と題する記事が載りました。ノキアの「ユーザー人類学者(user anthropologist、訳が思いつきません)」のエピソードを通じて、携帯電話が発展途上国の経済発展・貧困撲滅にいかに大きく寄与するかを語ったものです。割と長い記事ですがありがたいことにネット上で全文読めます。


Today, there are more than 3.3 billion mobile-phone subscriptions worldwide, which means that there are at least three billion people who don't own cellphones, the bulk of them to be found in Africa and Asia. Even the smallest improvements in efficiency, amplified across those additional three billion people, could reshape the global economy in ways that we are just beginning to understand.
According to statistics from the market database Wireless Intelligence, it took about 20 years for the first billion mobile phones to sell worldwide. The second billion sold in four years, and the third billion sold in two. Eighty percent of the world’s population now lives within range of a cellular network, which is double the level in 2000. And figures from the International Telecommunications Union show that by the end of 2006, 68 percent of the world’s mobile subscriptions were in developing countries.

「つながる」ことは生産性向上に等しい。世界資源研究所の出した「The Next 4 Billion(次なる40億人)」の著者の一人、Al Hammondは、携帯電話による影響の大きさを、グラミン銀行マイクロファイナンスとの比較でこう語る。

“Look, microfinance is great; Yunus deserves his sainthood,” Hammond says. “But after 30 years, there are only 90 million microfinance customers. I’m predicting that mobile-phone banking will add a billion banking customers to the system in five years. That’s how big it is.”

貧困層が携帯電話を? という疑問はつい誰もが持ってしまいがちだと思いますが、通信の意義はどの国でも絶大。日本のNTTみたいな固定電話網が整備されていない貧困国においては、ケータイはまさに革命的商品なのです。Hammond はこうも語っています。「人々はお金を手にするとすぐに(衣食住など基本的ニーズが十分に満たされていなくても)情報通信にお金を使っている」。


“Poor countries are poor because they are wasting their resources,” says Quadir (中略). “One resource is time, another is opportunity. Let’s say you can walk over to five people who live in your immediate vicinity, that’s one thing. But if you’re connected to one million people, your possibilities are endless.”



グラミンフォンという奇跡 「つながり」から始まるグ��ーバル経済の大転換 [DIPシリーズ]